Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Twat Camp.

I saw a snippet of Channel Four's Brat Camp last night. What a bunch of sorry arsed kids, and even more sorry arsed parents.

When I was growing up, I drove my parents bonkers. The closest thing my folks got to controlling me was called tough love. Basically they were hard as nails on me. I can't count the amount of screaming matches and fights over punk music, particularly The Dead Kennedys, my Doc Martin boots and my general punk rock attitude. I was pretty much on the rampage. As a last resort my father lost it one night and gave me a clip round the ear. That got through to me in a split second.

The point I'm trying to make is that the kids on Brat Camp need a good hiding. Look at all of their parents. Pussies, the lot of them. All middle class and with loads of money by the looks of it. Seems that these parents are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. So what do the parents end up doing? They allow their kids to be shipped off to the desert in the states only to be put under the camera and hassled 24/7 by some washed up yankee cops. Odds on, the minute they step back into Old Blighty, they will be back to usual and telling their parents to fuck off. It's all good for the ratings I bet. Last night I saw the kid "Josh".

He claims to smoke weed everyday, and by the looks of it fancies himself as a bit of a gangster.

Lets take Josh and instead of shipping him off to The States, dump him in some inner city estate at night and set him a few chores to perform.

1. Go break into a car and steal a cd player
2. Go try and swap the cd player for some crack
3. Try not to get robbed by crackheads
4. Mug someone
5. Drink a 6 pack of Tennants Super
6. Sleep rough
7. Beg money

I can guarantee that these 7 easy steps will send Josh on the straight and narrow and become a normal 15 year old boy again. It must be cheaper than sending him off to The States? His dad could drop him off at 11.00pm and pick him up at 7.00am. I bet he'd love to see his Daddy pick him up. Dad might be a bit of a shambles, but hey that's the breaks, if you weren't such a wimp parent, you'd give him the occasional wallop. Then you wouldn't be in this problem, meathead.