Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Million pound idea.

Originally uploaded by LIFE OF REILLY.

I get asthma. I also smoke sometimes, usually coinciding with drinking. The amount of times that i have had to put down a ciggie to get a puff on the ol' blue lifesaver. It's pathetic I know, but I don't really care, because I enjoy a smoke. People say "it takes ten years of your life" but it's the shit 10 years at the end. And who needs those 10 years. Maybe the truckload of prescription painkillers that I will do my best to get in those ten years before I die, might be enough to warrant giving up smoking now. I mean who wants to be some old fart in a home hanging out with other old farts playing scrabble and waiting to die. I want to be off-my-head-all-the-time. But lets not get too far ahead of ourselves here. So anyway in my infinite wisdom, I thought of combining to two and making a lighter that looks like an inhaler. It would be brilliant, and a nasty trick on anyone else you hate with asthma. Knowing me I'd get pissed and do some seriously insane damage on my throat. You could maybe put a little gauze on the end of it, just to make sure you don't stick it in your mouth. With a few easy modifications it becomes a handy pipe. Bonus. I haven't figured out the name of this little invention yet, so get cracking readers, and I'll split the millions that we will make from this new lighter. The potential market is enormous.